These predictions are of
general nature. You can not categorize the whole world in just 12
types of people. A person's basic nature is governed by not only his
Zodiac, Ascendant, Sun Sign & Constellation in which he is born but
also by the placing of different planets in his birth chart. All these
aspects should be considered while going for predictive astrology. So
read them considering their generality.
Persons born in Aries will have a certain amount of
independent thinking and reasoning faculty. Aries will be capable.
Aries may not be strict followers of convention. They are lovers of
scientific thought and philosophy; have their own ideas of right and
wrong and are strongly bent upon educational pursuits. As the Ram
rules them, aries are rather stubborn but often frank, impulsive and
courageous. Aries are more gossipers than practical men. They
sometimes require a certain amount of cajolery and sycophancy to
raise them to action. Aries become pioneers. As Mars is the lord of
Aries, they will be martial in spirit. Their constitution will be
hot, and they are occasionally subject to hot complaints, piles and
the like, and must avoid enterprises obviously involving any serious
risks. Aries love beauty, art and elegance. The diseases aries
suffer from will be mostly those of the head and unpleasant
sight-seeing may often lead to mental affliction and derangement of
brain. Their build will be slender and females generally possess
fairly perfect contours. One peculiarity is craning the neck.
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The stature of the persons born in Taurus
or Vrishabha will be medium or short and often inclined towards
corpulence, lips thick, complexion swarthy, square face, well-shaped
lips and dark hair are prominent features. Women in Taurus are
generally handsome. They generally resemble the bull in their
behavior toward new people if they are not listened to properly.
They have their own principles and ways. Often they have a piercing
intellect. They shine well as authors, book dealers and journalists.
They are not bound by sentimentality but appreciate truth. They are
remarkable for their ability to commit to memory. Physical and
mental endurance of Taurus are note-worthy. They have much business
knack and good intuition. They often think they are born to exercise
authority over others and in a sense they are right. They are
sensitive to physical influences. They are often liable to extremes,
zealous and easily accessible to adulteration. They are sensitive to
suffer from nervous complaints after their fiftieth year but their
memory and powers of imagination will never deceive them. They are
slow to anger, but when provoked, furious like the bull. Taurus are
passionate and may become preys to sexual diseases in their old age
unless they moderate their pleasures and learn to exercise
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Persons when born in Gemini or Mithuna is rising have
a wavering mind, often tall and straight in nature and active in
motion, forehead broad, eyes clear and nose, a bit snub. Gemini are
active and become experts in mathematical sciences; and mechanical
sciences provided Saturn has some strong influence over them. They
will be "jack of all trades but master of none". Gemini are
vivacious, but liable to be inconstant. They will have sudden
nervous breakdowns and must exercise a certain amount of caution in
moving with the opposite sex; a habit of self-control must be
cultivated. Mind of Gemini will be often conscious of their own
faults. Gemini are liable to fraud and deceit will characterize
their nature. If evil planets are found in Gemini, trickery and
deceit will characterize their nature. Many of these traits can be
corrected by training.
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Persons born under Cancer or Kataka have a
middle-sized body, face full, nose snubbed to some extent and
complexion white. They often have a double chin. They are very
intelligent, bright and frugal and equally industrious. Their
frugality often takes the form of miserliness. They are sympathetic
but moral cowardice will be present. They will be much attached to
their children and family. Their extreme sensitiveness renders them
nervous and queer. Their minds will be bent upon schemes of trade
and manufacture. They often meet with disappointments in marriage
and love affairs. They are very talkative, self-reliant, honest and
unbending. Cancer have reputation for love of justice and fair play.
Saturn's situation in the ascendant is not desirable.
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Persons born under Leo or Simha will be majestic in
appearance, broad shoulders, bilious constitution and bold and
respectful in appearance. They possess the knack to adapt themselves
to any condition of life. They are rather ambitious and sometimes
avaricious too. They are independent thinkers. They stick up to
orthodox principles in religion but are perfectly tolerant towards
to others percepts and practices. Leo are lovers of fine arts and
literature and possess a certain amount of philosophical knowledge.
They are voracious readers. If the ascendant or the tenth house is
afflicted, they may not succeed in life as much as they expect. They
put forth much struggle. Their ambitions remain unfulfilled to some
extent unless the horoscope has certain definite Raja-yogas. They
are capable of non-attachment and contentment. As Saturn happens to
be lord of the 7th, Leo must resist the temptation of yielding much
to their wives or husbands if domestic happiness is to prevail.
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born when Kanya or Virgo is rising will exhibit their intelligence
and memory when quite young. They will be middle-sized persons and
exhibit taste in art and literature. Their chest will be prominent
and when afflicted, very weak also. They are discriminating and
emotional and are carried away by impulses. As authors, Virgo make
real progress especially in Physical and Chemical Sciences and can
judge things at a glance. Virgo love music and fine arts and acquire
much power and influence over other people. They are liable to
suffer from nervous breakdowns and paralysis when the sign is
afflicted. Other combinations warranting Virgo can become great
philosophers or writers. They are generally lucky in respect of
their wives or husbands.
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complexion of persons born in Libra or Tula sign will be fair, their
stature middle-sized, face broad, eyes fine, chest broad and light,
appearance handsome, constitution rather phlegmatic, sensual
disposition and keen observation. They have keen foresight and
reason out things from the standpoint of their own views. Firm in
conviction and unmoved by mean motives they are somewhat susceptible
to the feelings of others' minds. They are more idealists than
realists or practical men and often contemplate upon schemes like
building castles in the air. Libra are not sensitive to what others
say to them. But as political leaders and religious reformers they
exert tremendous influence over masses and sometimes their zeal and
enthusiasm goes to such a high pitch that they force their views
upon others of opposite thoughts not realizing the baneful
after-effects of such procedure. They love excitement and have the
power of intuition upon which they often rely for their own
guidance. They are not amenable to reason. Libra are great lovers of
music. Libra have a special liking for truth and honesty and do not
hesitate to sacrifice even their lives at the alters of freedom and
fair play. Domestic life of Libra may be crossed by frequent
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born under Scorpio or Vrishchika sign have youthful appearance, a
generous disposition and fierce eyes. Scorpio are fickle minded and
love much excitement. Scorpio are inclined to sensual things in
reality while they will not hesitate to philosophise upon the merits
of controlling sensual pleasures. Even females born in Scorpio sign
will have more of masculine tendencies. They are good correspondents
and invite from among people throughout the world. They can become
expert musicians if they care to practice the art. They are
proficient in fine arts, dancing and the like and no doubt they have
a philosophic disposition. They set at naught conventional habits
and customs. They vehemently uphold their own views but nevertheless
will not clash with those holding opposite ones. Constitution of
Scorpio will be hot and they are liable to suffer from piles after
their 30th year. They are silent and dignified and never speak
before weighing each and every word. Scorpio are good
conversationalists as well as writers and often rely too much on
their own intelligence. Married life of Scorpio may not be quite
happy not only due to temperamental differences but also due to
illness affecting the generative system of the partner, unless there
are other compensating combinations.
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Sagittarius (Dhanus) Jupiter rules this sign and
persons born under this sign will generally be inclined towards
corpulence. Sagittarius possess almond eyes and their hair is brown.
They are of a phlegmatic temperament. Sagittarius are somewhat
conventional and sometimes business like also. They are prompt and
uphold conservative views. They will be attracted towards the study
of occult philosophy and sciences. In these departments of knowledge
Sagittarius can acquire mastery. They are too callous and
enthusiastic. They hate all external show. Sagittarius are
God-fearing, honest, humble and free from hypocrisy. They never
think of schemes which are calculated to disturb the progress of
others. Sagittarius generally exercise control over their food and
drinks but in regard to their relationship with the opposite sex
restraint is called for. They are brilliant, their manners affable,
winning and hearts, pure. Sagittarius are prone to be misunderstood
unintentionally by others on account of their hastiness in
conversation. In their later years they must be careful about their
lungs as they are liable to suffer from rheumatic pains and the
like. Combinations for political power warranting, persons born in
Sagittarius sign will exercise power with firmness and justice and
without yielding to corruptive influences.
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Persons born in Capricorn or makara sign will be tall,
reddish brown in color with prominent hair on the eye-brows and the
chest. Women born in Capricorn will be handsome and youngish in
appearance. Capricorn have large teeth and sometimes protruding
outside the lips and presenting an uncouth appearance if the second
house is afflicted. The lips of Capricorn are fleshy and ladies have
an inviting appearance. They have the knack of adopting themselves
to circumstances and environments. They have great aspirations in
life and cannot economize funds even if they were to be under the
influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in
business transactions. Capricorn are noted for their perseverance
and strong mindedness. In fact they are stoical to the miseries of
life. They are possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy
and take great interest in literature, science and education.
Sometimes they are vindictive. When Saturn is badly posited,
Capricorn are possessed of bigotry. God-fearing and humble they make
good husbands or wives. Depending upon the disposition of the 9th
house Capricorn can become philosophically minded or develop social
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"Water Bearer" sign in which the birth of an individual is condemned
as the birth lord becomes the lord of the house of loss, has to its
credit some of the greatest philosophers and seers. Those born under
Aquarius or Kumbha sign will be tall, lean, fairly handsome, manners
winning, appearance attractive, disposition elegant. Lips of
Aquarius are fleshy, cheeks broad with prominent temples and
buttocks. They are highly intelligent and make friends of others
very soon. They are peevish and when provoked, rise like a bulldog
but their anger is very soon subsided. They are pure in heart and
always inclined to help others. They shine very well as writers and
good spokesman. They are at times timid. Aquarius feel shy to
exhibit their talents but their conversation will be most
interesting and highly instructive. They will specialize in subjects
like astrology, psychology and healing arts, etc. Literacy greatness
of Aquarius will come before the world when they are quite young and
they themselves will not be able to estimate their capacities well,
while others find in them something remarkable and extraordinary.
They are intuitive and good judges of character. Aquarius have no
organizing capacity and are devoted to their husbands or wives and
never betray the interests of even their enemies, when trust is
placed in them. Aquarius are liable to suffer from colic troubles
and must take special precautions to safeguard themselves against
diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather. On the whole
Aquarius people have something subtle in them which endears them to
all they come in contact with.
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Persons born in Pisces or Meena sign will be fair,
stout and moderately tall. Pisces are reserved in their manners and
are liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. They are
God-fearing. Pisces are generally superstitious and religious, rigid
in the observance of orthodox principles and can forego anything but
their orthodoxy; or they can be exactly the opposite. They are
somewhat stubborn, rather timid, and ambitious to exercise authority
over others. They are true friends and are proud of their
educational and other attainments. If the lord of the 7th is badly
afflicted, Pisces will have double marriage. They are restless and
fond of history, antiquarian talks and mythological masterpieces.
Pisces are frugal in spending money and though generally dependent
upon others thorough out their life still bear a mark of
independence. Pisces are just in their dealings and fear to
transgress the laws of truth. With all this, they lack
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