Shakti Chalini
How to do : For this sit in
Sidhasana or Padmasana. Place the
palms on the ground. Balancing the body on the palms slowly raise the
buttocks and strike them against the ground several times. Then perform Mula Bandha , the exercise
to contract anus and drawing it upwards. Inhale through the left
nostril. Join the Prana with Apana and let the
combined force pass through the Sushumna
nadi. Perform Jalandhar Bandha and try to
retain breath. While practicing retention, perform Ashwini Mudra, and feel that
kundalini shakti is ascending the sushumna, piercing the six chakras
(i.e. a white light is ascending from your coccyx to the top of your
head through your spinal cord). Then release the Jalandhar Bandha and
exhale through the right nostril. The same may be repeated by reversing
the nostrils.
Benefits : This bestows a radiant health and long life and awakens
the Kundalini Shakti. This helps
in getting rid of all type of ailments.
Tadana Kriya : Shakti Chalini Mudra is associated
with Tadana kriya. One has to
strike the Kanda
(space between anus and the genital organ) with his right
heel while seated in Sidhasana.
Gains : This awakens the Kundalini Shakti.
Mula Bandha involves contraction of the anus. It enables one to
conserve vital or sex energy and to convert it into spiritual energy.
How to do : Sit in Sidhi asana. In it the heel is placed firmly
against Kanda or Yoni, the space between the anus and the organ of
generation. The space is the centre of vital force.
Two fingers above the anus is located
Muladhara Chakra. This centre is dominated by the energy force Apana,
which carries out the functions of excertion. Prana, on the other hand,
carries out respiratory functions. Prtana draws energy and conserves it.
Apan draws the energy out to exp0el the waste material from the body.
Any disharmony in their functions results in early old age and death.
It should be noted that mind and prana
are inter-lined. If the mind is engaged in hatred, passion or greed, the
Apana becomes active and the hence does not perform normally and energy
goes waste.
This exercise can be practiced even while
sitting, standing, walking, lying or working. But it should not be
performed if one suffers from constipation.
Jalandhar Bandha
By Jalandhar Bandha exercise, a yogi conserves the nectar which, the
mystics say, flows from Sahasrara- crown of the head and consumed by
Manipura Chakra’s fire. The conservation leads to long life, sound
health and mystic powers. This exercise also opens the mouth of sushumna
for awakening the kundalini shakti. Blood circulation is increased and
throat troubles go.
How to do :Sit down on the floor either in Padmasan or Sukhasan pose.
Hold the spine, neck and head erect in one line. Look to the front at
the level of eyes. Palms should be placed on knees. Inhale slowly, hold
the breath and bend the head downwards so that the chin touches the
chest. Now raise both the shoulders a little upwards. Keep spine, head
and neck straight. Stay in that position for 4 to 8 seconds. This
exercise can be repeated four times in a day.
Disorders of the head, shoulders and cervical regions are removed. More
useful for those who suffer from sinus and breathing trouble.
Ashwini Mudra
How to do : For this sit either in Sukhasan or in Vajrasan. You may
practice this in thie lying pose, keeping th elegs folded in such a way
that the heels touch the buttocks, contract the anus and release it.
Repeat many times. Contraction and dilation of the anus removes
constipation, enables the yogi to master Apana Vayu and helps to unfold
Muladhara Chakra or the basal plexus.
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